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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - under


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 I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, adverb & preposition, from Old English; akin to Old High German untar ~, Latin inferus situated beneath, lower, infra below, Sanskrit adha  Date: before 12th century  1. in or into a position below or beneath something  2. below or short of some quantity, level, or limit $10 or ~ — often used in combination ~staffed  3. in or into a condition of subjection, subordination, or unconsciousness put the patient ~ for surgery  4. down to defeat, ruin, or death businesses going ~  5. so as to be covered buried ~ by the avalanche  II. preposition  Date: before 12th century  1. below or beneath so as to be overhung, surmounted, covered, protected, or concealed by ~ sunny skies a soft heart ~ a stern exterior ~ cover of darkness  2.  a. subject to the authority, control, guidance, or instruction of served ~ the general ~ the terms of the contract a program that runs ~ any operating system  b. receiving or ~going the action or effect of ~ pressure courage ~ fire ~ the influence of alcohol the image of a point ~ a mapping ~ oath  3.  a. within the group or designation of ~ this heading  b. having as name or title traveling ~ an alias  4. less or lower than (as in size, amount, or rank); especially falling short of a standard or required degree ~ the legal age ~ par  III. adjective  Date: 13th century  1.  a. lying or placed below, beneath, or on the ventral side — often used in combination ~lip  b. facing or protruding downward  2. lower in rank or authority ; subordinate  3. lower than usual, proper, or desired in amount, quality, or degree — often used in combination an ~-dose of medicine
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  prep., adv., & adj. --prep. 1 a in or to a position lower than; below; beneath (fell under the table; under the left eye). b within, on the inside of (a surface etc.) (wore a vest under his shirt). 2 a inferior to; less than (a captain is under a major; is under 18). b at or for a lower cost than (was under {pound}20). 3 a subject or liable to; controlled or bound by (lives under oppression; under pain of death; born under Saturn; the country prospered under him). b undergoing (is under repair). c classified or subsumed in (that book goes under biology; goes under many names). 4 at the foot of or sheltered by (hid under the wall; under the cliff). 5 planted with (a crop). 6 powered by (sail, steam, etc.). 7 following (another player in a card game). 8 archaic attested by (esp. under one's hand and seal = signature). --adv. 1 in or to a lower position or condition (kept him under). 2 colloq. in or into a state of unconsciousness (put him under for the operation). --adj. lower (the under jaw). Phrases and idioms under age see AGE. under one's arm see ARM(1). under arms see ARM(2). under one's belt see BELT. under one's breath see BREATH. under canvas see CANVAS. under a cloud see CLOUD. under control see CONTROL. under the counter see COUNTER(1). under cover see COVER n. 4. under fire see FIRE. under foot see FOOT. under hatches see HATCH(1). under a person's nose see NOSE. under the rose see ROSE(1). under separate cover in another envelope. under the sun anywhere in the world. under water in and covered by water. under way in motion; in progress. under the weather see WEATHER. Derivatives undermost adj. Etymology: OE f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. что-либо не отвечающее стандарту, не соответствующее установленному размеру 2. радио или телепрограмма, занявшая меньше времени, чем было отведено 3. воен. недолет 4. нижний, находящийся внизу, под (чем-либо); покрытый (чем-либо) under jaw —- нижняя челюсть the under layer —- нижний слой 5. тихий, приглушенный (о звуке) 6. подчиненный, нижестоящий, занимающий более низкое положение 7. меньший; не отвечающий стандарту или норме an under dose of medicine —- уменьшенная доза лекарства 8. ам. сл. безвыходное положение to get out from under —- выпутаться; развязаться с кем-либо, чем-либо; расплатиться с долгами 9. указывает на движение вниз, под какой-либо предмет: вниз get under quick! —- лезь скорее вниз! 10. указывает на положение ниже чего-либо: внизу, ниже he was buried under by an avalanche —- его засыпало снежной лавиной he was snowed under in the election —- он с треском провалился на выборах 11. указывает на место, находящееся дальше в книге, статье: ниже, дальше as under —- как сказано ниже 12. указывает на положение ниже уровня воды или движение под воду: под the swimmer went under —- пловец скрылся под водой 13. указывает на положение за горизонтом или движение за горизонт (о солнце): за горизонт(ом) the sun went under an hour ago —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. prep.  1) указывает на положение одного предмета ниже другого или на направление действия вниз; под, ниже; under the table - под столом; under ones feet - под ногами; put the suitcase under the table - поставьте чемодан под стол  2) указывает на нахождение под бременем, тяжестью чего-л.; под; under the load - под тяжестью; he broke down under the burden of sorrow - горе сломило его  3) указывает на пребывание под властью, контролем, командованием; под; to work under a professor - работать под руководством профессора; England under the Stuarts - Англия в эпоху Стюартов; an office under Government - государственная служба  4) указывает на нахождение в движении, процессе, осуществлении, определенном состоянии и т.п.; the question is under consideration - вопрос обсуждается; the road is under repair - дорога ремонтируется; under arrest - под арестом  5) указывает на условия, обстоятельства, при которых совершается действие; при, под, на; under fire - под огнем; under arms - вооруженный; under heavy penalty - под страхом сурового наказания; under the necessity of smth. - под давлением каких-л. обстоятельств; under cover - под прикрытием; under an assumed name - под вымышленным именем; under a mask - под маской; under the protection of smth. - под защитой чего-л.  6) указывает на соответствие, согласованность; по; under the present agreement - по...
Англо-русский словарь
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: In addition to the uses shown below, 'under' is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘go under’ and ‘knuckle under’. 1. If a person or thing is under something, they are at a lower level than that thing, and may be covered or hidden by it. ...swimming in the pool or lying under an umbrella... Under a wide shelf that holds coffee jars stands a pile of magazines... She buried her head under the covers, pretending to be asleep... A path runs under the trees. PREP 2. In a place such as a sea, river, or swimming pool, if someone or something is under the water, they are fully in the water and covered by it. They said he’d been held under the water and drowned... Goldfish were swimming lazily in a group just under the surface. PREP • Under is also an adverb. When the water was up to his neck, a hand came from behind and pushed his head under. ADV: ADV after v 3. If you go under something, you move from one side to the other of something that is at a higher level than you. He went under a brick arch... A river boat passed under the bridge. PREP 4. Something that is under a layer of something, especially clothing, is covered by that layer. I was wearing two sweaters under the green army jacket... It was hard to see the colours under the layer of dust. PREP 5. You can use under before a noun to indicate that a person or thing is being affected by something or is going through a particular process. ...fishermen whose livelihoods are under threat... I’m rarely under pressure and my co-workers are always nice to me... Firemen said they had the blaze under control... He was rushed to court yesterday under armed guard. PREP 6. If something happens under particular circumstances or conditions, it happens when those circumstances or conditions exist. His best friend was killed by police under extremely questionable circumstances... Under normal conditions, only about 20 to 40 per cent of vitamin E...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 prep 1 »BELOW« directly below something, or covered by it  (Write your name under your picture. | She was carrying her handbag under her arm. | I could see something glittering under the water.) 2 »LESS THAN« less than a particular number, amount, age, or price  (gifts for under ten dollars | nursery education for children under five | I spend just under four hours a day seeing customers. | be under age (=not be old enough to drink, have sex etc legally))  (You're not allowed in the bar if you're under age.) 3 be under construction/discussion/attack etc to be in the process of being constructed, discussed etc  (The possibility of replacing the computers remains under consideration. | The National Health Service is very much under attack from the Tory government.) 4 »CONTROLLED« being controlled by a particular leader, government, system etc  (foreign policy under Kohl | The Los Angeles Philharmonic is under the baton of Esa-Pekka Salonen.) 5 »LAW/AGREEMENT« according to a particular agreement, law etc  (an exemption under Article 85) 6 »AFFECTED BY« being affected by particular conditions or situations  (She's been under a lot of pressure at work. | driving under the influence of alcohol | The solicitor has said that under no circumstances must I pay it.) 7 be under (sb's) control/influence/spell etc if someone or something is under someone's control etc, they control or influence it  (I'm glad to see that you have everything under control. | She seems to be coming under Gina's influence.) 8 »CLASS/GROUP« if an object, book, name etc is under a particular letter, list, system etc, that is where you can find it or that is the group it belongs to  (The baby's records are filed under the mother's last name.) 9 »POSITION AT WORK« if people are under someone in authority, they work for that person and have a lower position  (Guerrero works under him directly.) 10 be under an impression/delusion to believe something is true, especially when you are wrong in believing it  (I was under the impression that he was going...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. under, from P.Gmc. *under-, from PIE *ndhero- "lower." Also used in O.E. as a preposition meaning "between, among," as still in under these circumstances, etc. Productive as a prefix, e.g. undercover (1920 in the sense of "operating secretly"); underfoot (c.1200); underhand (O.E., the sense of "secret, surreptitious" first recorded 1592); underpass (1904); etc. Many words beginning with this prefix are transparent and can be found under the simplex form. Underling is early M.E.; undergraduate first attested 1630; understudy in the theatrical sense is 1874 as a verb, 1882 as a noun; undertow is from 1817. Under the table is from 1921 in the sense of "very drunk," 1940s in sense of "illegal." To get something under (one's) belt is from 1954; to keep something under (one's) hat "secret" is from 1885; to have something under (one's) nose "in plain sight" is from 1548; to be under (someone's) thumb "entirely controlled" is from 1754. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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